
About Me

Spencer Burns was born in Highland Utah and has lived there ever since. He played the cello in high school, took a speech and debate class, and loved doing ballroom dance. However, he spent the majority of his time working for Turner Heating and Air. Spencer learned a lot from the owner and gained a considerable amount of experience. He loved working there and after serving a mission in the Adriatic North Mission he decided to start his own company!


Response time

With an average 30-minute response time, Spencer always makes time for every client. His priority is helping you get your house back to a comfortable temperature as fast as possible.


Successful jobs done

Spencer has continued to stay busy and gain experience while building his new company. He never leaves a job half-done.

Consistent five-star ratings

Spencer Burns has continued to receive excellent reviews and great ratings! His ability to work hard and efficiently and his desire to help his community makes him a great option for your next HVAC job.


Call or text Spencer Burns at (385) 483 9799 or email him at spencer@burnsclimate.com